7 Tips to Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

Back to list 2020-02-10 17:05:22

As temperatures fall during autumn and winter, the risk of catching a cold or flu increases. One should take preemptive actions to minimize the risk of getting sick. Therefore, MSH China presents to you the following tips on how to stay healthy during the cold and flu season.

Wash your Hands Frequently

Frequent hand washing (thoroughly) with hot or cold water and soap for at least 15 seconds helps prevent the spread of viruses as scrubbing can help get rid of most of the germs. Use a hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep may weaken your body’s natural defenses. Sleep is important to a healthy immune system. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep a night on a regular basis.

Stay Hydrated

Increasing your water intake can strengthen your immune system and lessen the chance of catching a cold or flu. Warm liquids are preferable.

Eat Healthy

Foods rich in vitamins C and E are believed to help support the immune system. You can find vitamin C in oranges, citrus fruits, broccoli and green peppers. Foods rich in vitamin E include sunflower and corn oils, sunflower seeds and nuts such as almonds and peanuts. You may also add more yogurt, aged cheeses and miso to your diet. Try to avoid foods that are highly concentrated in sugar, such as soda and candy, to keep your immune system strong.

Manage your Stress

Studies have shown that people experiencing stress have weakened immune systems. The ability to fight off antigens is reduced, that is why we are more susceptible to infections like cold and flu when stressed.

Avoid Touching your Face

Whilst germs can sit on your hands all day and not cause any problem, hands-to-face contact can lead to transmission. Try not to touch your nose, mouth and eyes, this is how viruses enter your body.

Exercise Regularly

Don’t neglect your workouts as the weather cools down. Exercise can reduce stress, lift up your mood, promote healthy sleep and boost your immune system.

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