10 Tips to Beat Insomnia

Back to list 2020-04-02 12:38:48

Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder that mostly affects adults. This condition prevents you from sleeping which can greatly deteriorate your health and lead to inflammation, weight gain, muscle loss, and a weaker immune system. Having trouble falling and/or staying asleep is a serious situation and should be treated as soon as possible by a medical professional.


In many cases, this sleep disorder is related to anxiety, depression, poor sleep habits, lack of exercise or some chronic illness and medications.

However, some easy habits may help you overcome insomnia and finally get to sleep!

Here have a look at 10 tips to beat insomnia.

Many studies have shown the negative effect of blue light on our ability to sleep. In order to make the most of your sleep, make sure to cut out any blue light before you sleep, this includes:

- No TV before bed (or at least 1h-2h before going to bed)

- No social media browsing or any screen watching

However, you could go for having a blue light filter which may help, but that’s not going to solve your sleep disorder. Cut out any screen watching at least two hours before bedtime.

An easy way to get your body to feel sleepy around night time and more energized in the morning is to start sleeping and waking up at the exact same time every day. This will help your body with a number of things such as timing deep sleep. It is best to time this so you can have enough time to prepare in the morning with 8 hours of sleep per day.

Avoid any caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol at least 6 hours before going to bed. It’s always recommended to cut out any smoking, although if you like to drink coffee, make sure you drink your last cup in the morning and certainly not at night. Caffeine has a half-life of 8 hours in your body.

Exercising in the morning can help you with a number of things, the first being that it’s very healthy for the body, and the second is that it helps you sleep better and earlier. If you do some form exercise in the morning, then you’re likely going to be tired at night.

Eating will trigger a response in the body to increase the digestive system work capacity, this will make you feel slightly hotter and even sweatier. It’s very common for people to feel energized after a meal

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