Humid Weather: What Are The Effects on The Human Body?

Back to list 2020-01-13 15:28:56

Raining season is here!

During the summer, southeast monsoon from the western Pacific Ocean and southwest monsoon from the equatorial Indian Ocean blow onto the Chinese mainland. These monsoons are the main cause of rainfall. During that time, the amount of moisture in the air is particularly high. Basically a rainy day coincide with a 100% level of humidity.

When the weather is humid, the temperature you’re feeling is warmer than what it really is. Why? Basically our sweat is usually helping us to reduce our body temperature. When the air is particularly high in humidity, meaning a lot of water in the atmosphere, our sweat will take more time to evaporate due to a water saturation in the air.

What are the effects of humidity?

According to scientists, the optimal humidity level is between 35% and 50%. Above 60%, your body will start to feel discomfort.

Beside feeling sticky, grumpy and having frizzy hair, which can be very uncomfortable, you will mostly notice an excessive sweating, increased rate and depth of blood circulation and increased respiration. Since sweating doesn’t work to cool us down, our body will work harder to reduce our core temperature. Combined with high temperatures, humidity can cause our body to overheat. Excessive perspiration causes a loss of water, salt and chemicals very important to make our body works properly, putting our health in danger.

·         Excessive perspiration

·         Increased rate and depth of blood circulation

·         Increased respiration

·         Overheat

·         Fatigue

·         Muscle cramps

·         Heat exhaustion

·         Fainting

Another harmful effect of humidity on our health is how it can influence allergies and impact respiratory diseases brought by biological agents such as mold and mildew. Mold, mildew and mites all prosper in environments that are high in humidity. Some mold are very dangerous causing issues to our respiratory system, circulation, mental faculties and more which can lead to a tragic end.

Humidity can be worse for asthmatics because of mold spores that can easily thrive in a humid environment. The air is heavier, full of mold, dust mites and fungi, it becomes more difficult to breathe and they might have a higher chance of experiencing an asthma attack. 

Your skin might also suffers from hot and humid weather. Indeed, when your pores are not able to release sweat because the air is already saturated, this can lead into a rash on your epidermis. People usually develop heat rash on areas of skin that rub together: inner thighs or under the arms. According to doctors, heat rash is rarely serious.

But are there any benefits on health?

Actually, the list of benefits is very short compared to the negative impacts of humidity.  Most scientists and doctors don’t really agree on a list of benefits but high humidity seems to be a good remedy against acne. However, it does not mean that low humidity level is recommended. The perfect level of humidity is between 35% and 50% without feeling any discomfort.

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