MSH‘s High-end medical insurance service platform in China

Back to list 2014-10-24 10:27:54


When Alibaba, Tencent and other internet giants used mobile networking and large databases to reshape the medical field, in the field of high-end medical insurance in particular, MSH CHINA, a company that provides localized service achieved the pinnacle of business. In 2014, it finished a high-end medical insurance service platform that is the best in the industry for meeting people’s high-end medical needs.

In 2014, China's largest high-end medical insurance provider, MSH China came out with a custom phone app for those with permanent residence in China, and for those who are members of high-end medical insurance programs. The app can provide insurance benefits, direct payments to the hospital, as well as claims information and queries. With the iPad client service in China's top public hospitals, as well as through mobile internet and the O2O model, it provides a clearer and more convenient medical experience for members.


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